Tag Archives: landlord services

What is Rentomatic ?

Rentomatic Gurgaon


Never Let Your Property be Vacant !!

So, you are a Landlord who owns One or more properties and some of them are already rented and some may be lying vacant. For the ones that are lying vacant, you can simply give us the details of the property by submitting your property on our website QuickRent.in and our team will spring into action to help quickly rent out your property.

About the properties that are already rented, Right now, you must be enjoying the rental income coming your way. Which is great news!! But how do you make sure that your property gets rented again before it falls vacant? One thing is for sure that at some point in time, the lease would expire and your property will fall vacant and not only you would lose the rental income but also pay the maintenance charges from your own pocket for the period that the property is vacant.

Not just that, but a vacant property depletes and attracts a lot more maintenance, considering that no one is living in it.

With RENTOMATIC, We can help you make sure that your property never falls vacant. Here is how…The first step is to let us know the property details with the expected date of lease expiry. Once we have these details, our software will process the information and our professionals will create a great looking listing for your property with professional photographs etc. Then, just about 2 months prior to your lease expiry, our system will automatically create a listing of your property and publish your property to the various websites online as well as circulate the property to the various real estate consultants in the city and also send the property details to the prospective tenants in the City looking for a similar property.

How it helps you? Well, most importantly, it helps keep your assets rented out and leave you with a steady flow of income, needless to mention that it helps save you a whole lot of time, effort and resources to call brokers and tell them each about the property details…and then attend numerous phone calls from multiple brokers that eats up into your productive time and also gets a bit annoying at times.

So with RENTOMATIC, you can make sure that your property never stays vacant and you can sit back and enjoy things that you like to do and let the professionals take over your worries of property rentals.

Guess what you only pay us when we find a good quality tenant for you and help you rent out your property successfully!! No Success No Payment !!

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