Tag Archives: interior designers in gurgaon

Good Quality Interior Designers Gurgaon

Good Quality Interior Designers in Gurgaon

In a move to help deliver a One Stop Solution to the discerning property owners who would like to make life a bit simpler, Quick Rent ties up with one of the professional Interiors company with a proven track record of having delivered good quality interiors with the entire spectrum of deliverables from Residential to Commercial Spaces.

” We want to simplify and add value to the discerning property owners, who are having bare shell properties both in the residential and commercial arena. The idea for this strategic alliance is to help bring about a single point solution for the property owners who would like to get the interiors done as well as have the property rented out quickly. Bottom line being time, effort and resources be saved for the clients so that they can remain focused on what they do best and leave this worry to the professionals”  – Harpreet Singh Thukral, Founder QuickRent.in

Traditionally, the property owners, especially the Residential Property owners, would go out in the market outsourcing different aspects to different vendors and then spend a lot of valuable and precious time to manage those vendors, ultimately taking on another stress point apart from the work stress and the end result being a lot of additional stress.

Being an organization that is owned by Architects who have worked with some of the best firms in India, Design Scape is a well managed and professionally run interiors company with a band width to handle small to large projects with equal passion and zest and deliver a consistent quality of service across the board.