Best Apartments for Expats in Gurgaon

Best Apartments for Expats in Gurgaon

Moving from another country to India is in a lot of ways a very different experience, specially for those who have never experienced India and are looking to move for the first time. When it comes to moving to another country and city, the first thing on the agenda is to find a suitable accommodation to make sure that you and the family is comfortable. Although the challenge of moving to India is already a daunting experience, considering the fact that things in India are not quite like they are in the more developed and organized nations. The one word for all that any expat experiences is “Chaos”. And rightly so, it is quite a difficult task to come from an organized society into a chaotic one.

Without digressing from the topic that this article is meant to be for helping expats find the “Best Apartments for Expats in Gurgaon“, I would like to list down a few thoughts, which I hope would be helpful to the readers like yourself. While it is difficult to say that any specific apartment is best place to live for expats in Gurgaon, however, over  a period of time, there are some favorites.

First things First, things are not as bad as they seem, there is a method to the madness and there are organized agencies that can help you settled down well in Gurgaon, especially in the Home Rentals domain, there are companies that can help you choose a home that fits best into your and your families need. The trouble with most of the rental agencies is that there is a disconnect between understanding the needs and churning the requirements internally to be able to offer the right solution, this disconnect is primarily due to the lack of listening and understanding capabilities, apart from this, the cultural difference changes the definition of Luxury for most of the people working in this domain.

An ideal person to help find the best apartments for expats in Gurgaon would be someone who has lived abroad and understands the lifestyle that the expats are used to living and then relate the same back to the existing homes in Gurgaon. A consultant who is not only willing to listen, but also has the acumen to understand the needs and deliver the options quickly, apart from this the consultant should have the ability to negotiate and complete the paper work to make sure everything is in order for you to feel at home in Gurgaon.

If you are able to find a consultant like this, life becomes a lot more easier, transaction smoother & the whole exercise becomes a pleasant experience rather than being chaotic.

When it comes to looking at various best apartments for expats in Gurgaon, there are a few apartment communities which are already inhabited by multiple expats who are living happily in these homes, well at least these are a few that one could safely say that these are the best choices among what exists in Gurgaon.

Here is the list of Best Apartments for Expats in Gurgaon based on the budget that you may have, considering that it is an important criteria, you can click on the links to each community and see the details with Actual Real Pictures, Real Videos and other intricate details of each of the listed communities:

Budget between Rs. 55,000 – Rs.70,000 – The Grand Arch

Budget between Rs. 70,000 to Rs.1,00,000 – DLF Park Place

Budget between Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,25,000 – The Verandas

Budget between Rs. 3,25,000 to Rs. 4,00,000 – The Magnolias

Budget between Rs. 2,25,000 to Rs. 3,00,000 – The Aralias

In our experience, there are some expats who like to live in Villas, there are two complexes at the moment that offer a decent villa living in a secured gated community:

Budget between Rs. 1,50,000 – Rs. 2,00,000 – Palm Springs


Budget between Rs. 85,000 – Rs. 1,75,000 – Tatvam Villas

In case you are an Expat looking to have a good consultant by your side, please feel free to connect with me, it will be a pleasure to help you out, just like some of the other expat clients that I have helped in the past.

We look forward to hearing from you !!

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